Serving clients locally in Colorado and nationally.
We can help your brewery with it’s legal needs.
Our clients
Breweries that trust christopherson brew law
The beer business is a highly regulated industry. To succeed, your brewery will have to comply with countless federal, state, county, and city rules and regulations, while also navigating thorny legal issues like trademarks, lease negotiations, investor and loan agreements, and more.
One option is to spend hundreds of (likely frustrating) hours stumbling your way through the maze that is federal and state compliance. Or you could find a beer lawyer you can trust, and choose to spend your time doing what you are good at, and what you love – BREWING GREAT BEER.
So, here is my suggestion to you:
You Make the Beer, I'll Handle the Law.
Full Disclosure
I’ve made beer before and it wasn’t particularly good.
What I am good at, and passionate about, is being a beer lawyer.
How I Can Help
Federal and state trademark applications, registrations, dispute resolutions, and monitoring (both domestically and internationally);
State Licensing
Obtaining and maintaining state production and brewpub licenses, foreign brewery licenses (e.g., out-of-state shipper licenses)
Brewer's Notices
Obtaining and maintaining Brewer’s Notices with the United States Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB)
Beer Label Approvals
Obtaining TTB Certificates of Label Approval (COLAs) and Pre-COLA Formula approvals and registering brands with state liquor authorities;
Negotiating and drafting production agreements, distribution agreements, contract brewing agreements, and more.
Working With Breweries
I love working with breweries and being a small part of their success. I’ve helped dozens of breweries go from the planning stage to opening, and from opening to expansion. I’d love to be part of your team, and do what I can to save you time, money, and stress as you continue making and serving great beer.
Blog / News
Colorado Breweries Allowed to Deliver Beer
Colorado Brewery Law Update On March 20, 2020, Colorado Governor Jared Polis issued Executive Order D 2020 011, which allows “breweries operating an approved sales
Pitfalls to Avoid When Starting a Brewery
Starting a brewery is a difficult and complicated undertaking that requires compliance with countless federal, state, and local rules and laws. Careful planning can help
Why Beverage Industry Lawsuits are Increasing (Published Article)
From trademark disputes to class action claims of “misleading” marketing, lawsuits have become frequent in the beverage industry. More players in the market means more opportunities