Register your brands and labels
Step 10: Register your brands and labels
Any brewery selling beer in more than one state is required to obtain a Certificate of Label Approval (“COLA”) from TTB. Any beer product that contains a non-traditional ingredient, or is produced using a non-traditional brewing method, will require a pre-COLA approval (i.e., a formula approval), before that beer can be lawfully produced. TTB has an online system for label submissions called COLAs Online. TTB’s system for obtaining a formula approval is called Formulas Online. TTB typically sends a user information for creating COLAs Online and Formulas Online accounts after a brewer’s notice is approved.
Colorado does not require that Colorado-based breweries that do not export their beer outside of Colorado to obtain COLAs. Instead, they offer an Alternative Brand Registration option.
Brewers that do sell their beer outside of Colorado need to obtain COLAs, and can register their brands using